Friday, October 14, 2011

Just random thoughts

I’m having some awfully busy weeks lately.
I have no time for anything. Yesterday I canceled my nail appointment!!! I have never done it even in my worst bulimia days. There: I have it – issues with the time management. Any suggestions on that?..
Besides; this whole week was about going or not going to Africa in a week… I had my arguments, but I couldn’t convince my BF to cancel the trip. Why? Remember my “Bikini Fear
I think never feeling “pretty enough” is something I have struggled with my whole life. When my eating disorder became my escape, I started blaming my feelings of inadequacy on my imperfect body. Now I am really seeing how much not feeling good enough has impacted my life in all areas and it doesn’t have anything to do with my body, no matter how much (even to this day) I want to believe that it does.
It’s so senseless to allow my insecurities to take over right now.
I’m sooooo much better :)
However I’m going. We are going. Sandy beaches; the Red sea here I come
So despite my idiotic thoughts and the lack of time I’m preparing for my Sushi Vogue Night. This is ready

I just need to go grab The magazine J and I’m all set!
How do you operate your time?


  1. oh my goodness! first off, i understand feeling ugly. i looked at my thighs during this morning's walk with gwendolyn, and i HATED them. but how can a person be so hateful to themselves? we are but moving, breathing objects on this earth who should make the best of every moment . . . those moments should not be spent obsessing over things that don't matter. are we trying to compete or impress other people by hoping to look a certain way? because we want to be the thinnest? because we want to be the prettiest? it's all so absurd, really! and, my SushiVogueGirl friend, you are so fabulous and pretty! your aesthetics are so absolutely perfect! i wish that i looked like you!

    i would also be fearing the africa trip; but from my position in the US, i'm envious because that sounds like such a lovely experience. maybe one day i'll have a good BF with whom i'll wish to travel to places like that!

    how do i manage my time? i map out every single minute of the day before rising from my bed . . . sometimes before going to sleep on the evening before. i check it off, after each event has been accomplished.

    i hope you're having a fabulous friday evening! i'm off to a nail appointment right now (haha!) . . . so i will be making up for what you canceled. :) xx

  2. Time management for me is 100% prioritization, pure and simple. Every day there are some things that don't get done (mopping the floor, unloading the dishwasher) because there isn't time or there are more important, time-sensitive things to be done. I always do time-sensitive, crucial things first; then time-sensitive important things; then important, non-time sensitive things; and if I have time left over I'll do whatever else needs to be done. =)

  3. Nicole, your compliments mean a lot to me and I appreciate them a lot. However it’s hard to enjoy them rather than question – that’s the thing I should strive for.
    I do plan my days, but recently my plans are ruined by some continuous interruptions: one of my colleagues gets sick and I need to substitute, the road is closed because of the accident or the water in my house is shut off … and I’m losing it. I miss my usual day routines so much.

  4. Sable,thank you for this. Your planning is so clever. I’ll definitely try it.

  5. hiccups into the schedule will definitely happen. in fact, it most often occurs when i'm walking gwendolyn because her local fan club wants to chat chat chat. i used to get angry about that, but now i realise that because gwendolyn is so sweet and adorable, everyone naturally wants to talk to us! i can't get mad about gwendolyn's cuteness! :) so when that occurs, i will look at my "list" and try to maintain as much adherence to my guide as possible. and i do a downward facing dog. that always centers me! good luck, my friend! :)

  6. I am SO disorganised it's horrendous! I'm chronically late everywhere. So I've got no advice on the time management front!

    Your holiday sounds so fun!
