Monday, September 12, 2011

The New Challenge

I’m committing to do The Primal Blueprint 30 Day Challenge

This does not much differ from my way of eating.
However my challenge is to eliminate dairy from my diet, because it really upsets my stomach.
As well as once again truly commit to weight lifting and try some new stuff, like yoga.

So, day one is TODAY.


  1. greta, when i canceled dairy from my diet in october of 2010, it changed my then newfound healthy life for the better! first of all, my skin became fabulously clear and healthy! second of all, i was successfully able to avoid my trigger foods without mental distress. pizza was a huge binge product, and conventional pizza, of course, is made with real cheese. sure, anyone can binge on daiya vegan cheese, but it's a little harder to do after actually finding it at the grocery and then wanting to appreciate it! i love so much not eating dairy . . . i was able to get out of "cake" at the yoga girls luncheon of this afternoon, and that, of course, helps to manage my healthy diet! i also don't feel bad when my grandmother buys "cake" that i must refuse. in the bulimic days, i would eat her cake and vomit it, too (at the local store after leaving my sweet grandmother's house). i absolutely positively LOVE your blog! we are so similar, and i feel like we can absolutely network with each other to continue our lives of healthiness! yeah! :) thank you for posting this! please please please keep us posted on your dairy free life! save the cows! :) xo ~ nicole

  2. My sweet, Nicole, thank you for sharing. Your words are always inspirational. I admire your recovery so much, therefore anything you share I take with gratitude and excitement. I’ve read all your comments and I surely respond to them later. Have a wonderful night over the ocean ;)
